What is Hydroplaning? What You Need to Know.

Hydroplaning occurs when a layer of water builds up between the tires of a vehicle and the road surface, causing the tires to lose contact with the road. This can happen when the tires are unable to disperse the water quickly enough, causing the vehicle to slide on the water rather than grip the road. Aquaplaning is a common occurrence in wet conditions, especially when the road surface is smooth, worn out, or has low tire traction.

Causes of Hydroplaning

Hydroplaning can be caused by a number of different things. Among the most frequent causes are:

Tire Tread Depth

The depth of the tire tread is crucial in preventing hydroplaning. Tires with worn-out treads cannot disperse water as effectively, increasing the risk of aquaplaning.


The faster a vehicle is traveling, the harder it is for the tires to disperse water, increasing the risk of hydroplaning.

Water Depth

The deeper the water, the higher the risk of hydroplaning. A depth of only a few millimeters can be enough to cause hydroplaning.

Road Surface

Smooth, worn-out, or poorly maintained road surfaces can increase the risk of hydroplaning, as they offer less tire traction.

Tire Pressure

Low tire pressure can increase the risk of hydroplaning, as it reduces the contact patch between the tire and the road surface.

How to Prevent Hydroplaning

There are several ways to prevent hydroplaning, including:

Maintaining Proper Tire Tread Depth

Regularly checking and replacing worn-out tires can prevent hydroplaning. The tread depth should be at least 1.6 mm.

Reducing Speed

Slowing down in wet conditions can help to reduce the risk of hydroplaning, as it gives the tires more time to disperse water.

Avoiding Puddles and Standing Water

Avoiding large puddles and standing water can help to reduce the risk of hydroplaning.

Keeping Tires Inflated

Maintaining proper tire pressure can help to prevent aquaplaning, as it ensures that the tires make good contact with the road surface.

Keeping a Safe Distance

Maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles can give you more time to react if aquaplaning occurs.

Safety Tips to avoid hydroplaning in Wet Conditions

In addition to the prevention methods mentioned above, there are several safety tips to keep in mind when driving in wet conditions:

Use Headlights

Using headlights in wet conditions can increase your visibility to other drivers.

Avoid Sudden Movements

Avoid sudden movements, such as hard braking or sudden turns, as these can cause the tires to lose traction.

Use Cruise Control Carefully

Using cruise control in wet conditions can increase the risk of aquaplaning, as it maintains a constant speed

Keep Windshield Wipers in Good Condition

Good quality windshield wipers can help to maintain good visibility in wet conditions.

Don’t Use Your Phone While Driving

Distracted driving can increase the risk of aquaplaning, as it reduces the contact patch between the tire and the road surface.


In conclusion, aquaplaning is a serious and potentially deadly hazard that can occur in wet conditions. By understanding the causes of aquaplaning and taking preventative measures, such as maintaining proper tire tread depth and reducing speed, we can reduce the risk of accidents on the road. For more information visit Avoid Hydroplaning with Expert CDL Defensive Driving Techniques

Q: How can I prevent hydroplaning while driving in wet conditions?

A: To prevent aquaplaning, make sure your tires have sufficient tread depth and are properly inflated. Reduce your speed and avoid sudden movements, such as sharp turns or hard braking. Also, avoid driving on the outer edges of the road where water tends to accumulate.

Q: What are the most common causes of hydroplaning?

A: Hydroplaning occurs when a layer of water builds up between the tires and the road surface, causing the tires to lose contact with the road. The most common causes of aquaplaning include driving too fast in wet conditions, worn or underinflated tires, and poor road conditions.

Q: Can hydroplaning cause accidents?

A: Yes, aquaplaning can cause accidents by making it difficult to control the vehicle, resulting in loss of steering, braking, and acceleration. It can also cause the vehicle to slide or spin out of control, leading to collisions with other vehicles or objects.